
Corporate Data Host

Corporatedatahost Domains

Corporatedatahost has been offering the latest TLDs. Because at Corporatedatahost, you can register a domain AND get hosting, an easy-to-use site-builder, personalized email account, blog/podcast tool, photo album and more - all absolutely FREE. We get you up and running on the Web for just the cost of your domain registration.

Site Builders

Site Builders has helped thousands of people build and launch their own websites with absolutely no technical skills. Just choose a professional layout from the dozens of themes available (restaurant, how-to, etc), then click and type right into the text boxes provided.

Web Hosting

A range of reasonably-priced shared hosting plans, Corporatedatahost offers Dedicated and Virtual Dedicated servers. All plans come with a 99.9% uptime commitment, round-the-clock support. All Corporatedatahost data centers feature integrated monitoring and fire systems, cutting-edge security technology and 24/7 onsite security staff.


At Corporatedatahost, each email account comes with a truly one-of-a-kind address. All Corporatedatahost email accounts are fast, ultra-reliable and secure. They're protected from spam and viruses and they're advertising-free. Choose from several email plans, with up to 10 email addresses.


Corporatedatahost offers a complete line of eCommerce and online marketing tools, all designed for the user with no knowledge of programming. Also, you can raise up your business through marketing tools.

SSL Certificates

Corporatedatahost offers a variety of SSL Certificates with up to 256-bit encryption-the highest level available. All Corporatedatahost SSLs come with a warranty and offer 99.9% browser recognition-many can be had in a matter of minutes

General Information
